Frequency Inverters
Today high efficiency, accuracy and smoothness of moving of cargo, partial or the all-around automation of work of load-lifting cranes is impossible without application of systems of the frequency-regulated electric drive.
Such systems allow to lower expenses on the electric power to 30 % and to raise reliability and term of operation of mechanical and electric elements of the crane more, than in 2 times, and also to reach possibilities the electric power recuperation.
Besides the aforesaid, application of the frequency-regulated electric drive allows to provide:
- Protection against phase loss, by a stop of work of the mechanism in a situation of astable contact of slip rings.
- Synchronization of moving of the right and left parts of the crane at occurrence of warps of a design of the crane, the speeds of wheels of the right and left drive of moving caused by a difference.
- Synchronization of drives of mechanisms of lifting of loads which allows to provide safe work with large-sized cargoes and to avoid errors of the operator.
- Possibility of independent restriction on the moment for each worker quadrant allows to make operation of the crane of more safe at wind and moving of cargo which lead to influence of braiding forces on a design of the crane and variable loading on a turn drive.
- Possibility of the task of restrictions in the controler of management of the crane, and also their change-over in case of situation change will be very important in a case when it is necessary to provide a safe angle of rotation of a design at simultaneous work on object of several cranes.
- Possibility automatically to provide blocking of lifting in case of an overload for the given position as admissible lifting capacity of the crane depends on an angle of slope of an arrow/position of the cart.
- Non-swaying of cargo and decrease in dynamic loadings during dispersal and braking and after a stop.
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